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Sempuris Laboratory Fully Automatic Dual Filter Sy



Sempuris Laboratory Fully Automatic Dual Filter System is an automated benchtop laboratory water filter system. With dual filters and smart cartridges, Sempuris will change the previous filter way in the laboratory. When the Sempuris dual filter system operates, samples are extracted from the sample container through the sample hose, and the sample is passed through the primary filter and secondary filter, and the filtered sample is then passed through the sample hose to the collection container. With the Sempuris dual filter system, the manual processing time of the sample during filtration is greatly reduced, and the user can easily place the water sample under the sample injection hose and eliminate the cumbersome operation of the syringe and filter, while reducing the use of consumables, will change the laboratory process of filtering the water sample and save time and money.


Efficient filtration of samples in preparation for a range of tests/analyses, including sewage, tap water, groundwater, etc.

It offers savings of up to 70% in terms of consumables compared to the traditional manual operation process;and waste plastic is reduced by more than half compared to the use of syringe filters.

Filtration can be operated in the field or on a Mobile site, as Sempuris can be connected to the vehicle's 12V socket.

To speed up the filtration, the filtration time using the dual filtration system is about half that of manual filtration.

The system can be washed with dilute acid.

Comfortable and safe experience: Easy to operate and reduced exposure to potentially harmful substances.

Pressure monitoring and automatic clogging detection to prevent membrane clogging.

Free up workbench space and keep workbench clean.

Application field

Sempuris Laboratory Fully Automatic Dual Filter System is suitable for all water sample filtration applications, including sewage, tap water, groundwater samples, etc. It was developed specifically for the filtration of small and medium volume samples, but is also suitable for large volume samples.






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